Membership Application Options


Free technical advice from a Fellow from the Institute of Consultants within our industry.
Free updates to Regulations as and when they occur.
Use of designatory letters and NAADUK logos.
Free online directory listing on NAADUK Website.
Online networking opportunities.
Regional and National meetings.

If you already have the below requirements send your application to us now. Or call us to find you a training centre.

FULL Members have the right to voting of Administration officers every 3 years.
(All members not just Administrators)

Company Membership (£250.00 for 12 months):

Company membership is for accredited companies who have been on a NAADUK approved training course.

This membership entitles the Company Name to be logged onto NAADUKs national register.

  • Applicants must hold a certificate of training on TR-19, BS EN 15780 or BS 9999

Individual Membership (£100.00 for 12 months):

Individual membership is for accredited person who has been on a NAADUK approved training course.

This membership entitles the Individual Name to be logged onto NAADUKs national register.

  • Applicants must hold a certificate of training on TR-19, BS EN 15780 or BS 9999

Associate Membership (£400.00 for 12months):

This membership is for people/companies with an interest in the industry but they have not sat an accredited course.